Thursday 28 April 2011

Stupid Stupid Stupid

Ok, so I did a stupid thing *shifty eyes* it was by total accident, but still incredibly stupid. And what was this incredibly stupid thing you did, I hear you ask?

Well....I walked into my local library *guilty shrug*

I walked in with the cleanest intentions. I walked in to put in my requests list....but then there were people being served, and I got bored. Boredom is my downfall when I'm in a library. Because when I get bored, I start looking at books, and when I start looking at books I end up borrowing two or three that aren't on my requests list.

So I came home with a few of my requested books reserved for me, one of them brought home with me, and then three other books that are unaccountable for....I seriously think I have an addiction.
I came home with two of my guilty pleasure books 'Bride of Solway' and 'The Rake and the Rebel'. These are my guilty pleasure books because they are two of the large Mills and Boon family...there I said it. I'm addicted to romance novels from Mills and Boon, which have predictable plot lines, often very large plot holes and scandalous sexual content. Sue me.
The other two I came home with is 'Bed of Roses' Nora Roberts (one of the ones on my requests list) and 'The Last Song' Nicholas Sparks which I saw the film of, cried so much and absolutely loved it!

So my requests list now stands -

Bride Quartet - Nora Roberts - ORDERED
Stardust - Neil Gaiman - ORDERED
The Entire Collection of Jane Austen Novels - Jane Austen - ORDERED

Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine
Gone with the Wind - Margerat Mitchell
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Vanity Fair - William Tackeray
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
Jenna & Jonah's Fauxmance - Emily Franklin & Brendan Halpin
The Decoy Princess - Dawn Cook
Princess at Sea - Dawn Cook
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger

And my TBR pile is huge...

Night World Volume 2 - L.J Smith
Night World Volume 3 - L.J Smith
Gallagher Girls 1 - Ally Carter
Gallagher Girls 2 - Ally Carter
Matched - Allie Condie
Darkest Mercy - Melissa Marr
Shiver - Maggie Stiefvator
Linger - Maggie Stiefvator
Drama Girl - Carmen Reid
Rebel Girl - Carmen Reid
Sunshine Girl - Carmen Reid
To Marry a Prince - Sophie Page
Sisters Red - Jackson Pierce
Evercrossed - Elizabeth Chandler
Dark Touch - Fever - Amy Meredith

Argh. Ok so I'm a bad girl. Very addicted too...

JB xx

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